Thursday, July 16, 2009

Crossed and Wrapped Braids

If you haven't entered or checked out my giveaway going on yet...GO HERE NOW!!!

Before I start this post I realized my pictures were not the best. If anyone wants me to provide better instructions e-mail me or leave a comment saying so and I will re-create it with a better step-by-step. Sorry and I hope it makes enough sense:)

This was done the day after this hair-do. Which made this go by super fast because the braids were left in from yesterday's do. Go check it out to see how this Hair-do originated.

I started with these 9 braids. She slept in them so they are a little frizzier than I would like but I am not about to re-do them either.

Pull the braids out of the way and clip them together.

Take the remaining hair and put it in a side ponytail.

Un-clip the braids.
I had 9 braids because they were left over from yesterday. But, if I were doing this for the first day and didn't already have the braids in, I would have done 10 braids so it would be even.
Start with the braid in the middle and grab the braid next to it. Wrap them around each other.

Then I grabbed the braid on the other side and did the same thing.

Do this with all of the braids. The pieces on the right side I hooked into her ponytail with an elastic. The second to last section I put an elastic in to hold it's shape. When you get to the last braid on the left side you will need to tie the braids in a knot.

After you tie the braids in a knot add an elastic at the bottom of it to keep it's shape.

Take these last 2 sections and tie them together in a knot.Then hook them into the ponytail.

See how on the right side I also put an elastic in the last section to hold it's shape?

Then I put her hair in a messy type of bun. Then I added my hair thing and it was done. The instructions make this seem like an extremely long hair-do, but it took me under 10 minutes.

Close-up of how the braids are wrapped around each other.
Back View with a messy hair thing!

Back/Side View

Front view!!!!!
I love doing this...if for nothing else all of the pictures I have taken of her cute smiling face!


  1. Love it! I'm going to try it on my Shimmy Today after she gets out of school.

  2. Love it. It looks amazing, yet you make it look so simple.

  3. That is just gorgeous! I wish my little diva would hold still long enough to let me do her hair this way.

  4. OH I really like this one!! I will have to try this out for sure!! Love the ones that hold for a few days!! :)

  5. Hey, so I checked out Chic Clips and I really liked the pink and creamsicle korker, the light pink and brown korker, and then I really liked the lavender and brown gymboree one. I like the whole pink, blue, lavender/brown combo lately. Like I said before my wild woman doesn't always sit still long enough for me to do her hair. However, perhaps I could persuade her with these "pretties".

  6. Absolutely beautiful!
    I'm amazed at your hairdos and even more so by your patient daughter! She must be a darling! My 5 year old throws a tantrum when she just sees the hairbrush... braiding? She would squirm like a little worm.

    Found you through SITS. Great blog with lots of beautiful pictures. Please visit me too!

    Greetings from Spain

  7. Stopping by from SITS to give a little blog ♥

    I ♥ that hair do!!!! It is so beautiful!

  8. Stopping by from SITS to say hi!

    Wow those braids are amazing! I think they are beautiful and I am so intimidated by them. I will have to see if my daughter lets me try it on her.

  9. I love this style! My poor daughter doesn't have enough hair to do little braids like this, sadly. But I think I may try it with small ponytails.

    Thanks for stopping by the blog! My kitty is a tutu fanatic - he absolutely loves just curling up with them. Strange little guy. :)

  10. stopping by from roll call! amazing hair styles, wish you lived near us!

  11. Wow! This is fabulous! Showed the pics to my girls and they are now off to try this on each other. (You think I could get them to try it on me?)

    Thanks for the great instructions, too!

    Stopped by from SITS and am now a follower.

  12. I just ran across your page on SITS! Your hair designs are so beautiful!

  13. That is darling. I love it. And I think your pictures are perfect. You do great work.

  14. Holy Cow! I'm new to your site, so this is probably old hat to everyone else, but I am freakin in awe! That is beautiful! I can't wait for Summer's hair to grow long enough to do this:)

    Thanks for stopping by on my special day!

  15. Seriously, can I send my daughter to your house for a hair do..this is SOOO cute!

  16. This is absolutely beautiful! You were the comment above me today at SITS. I came over to say hi and wish your husband well. I hope he has a quick recovery after his surgery. *HUGS*

  17. Read your comment on SITS today!
    I hope for a quick recovery for your husband.
    Take care and be blessed!

    And Happy Saturday Sharefest

  18. You're so creative! Love these crossed & wrapped braids. My friend is planning to try to re-create it on her sweet 9 yr. old daughter. Thanks! (I said a prayer for a fast & complete recovery for your husband.)

  19. So cute! Hopped over from
    sits what a neat blog!

  20. Beautiful! Love your blog - will come in handy when my granddaughter is older!
    Thanks for visiting my site too!

  21. Very very impressed with all of your braiding skills! WOW!

  22. WOW! So glad I came in from a SITS link to discover you! My oldest is 9, and her hair is almost all the way too her waist. I needed new inspirational pictures for what to do with her hair, and you are my one stop source! Thanks!

    My second oldest has the dress that is featured in the front view picture at the bottom of this post :) LOVE it.

    I will be bookmarking your site and featuring you in my blogroll!

  23. I stopped by from SITS!

    This is beautiful! I really need to do more of these fun styles on my girls! Too cute!

  24. Awesome! I love day after do's. They're so easy!

  25. I've never seen anything like that before! It's fantastic!

    Tania (via SITS)

  26. i love this, i cant wait for my little girl to sit still long enough to do this.

    "Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest"

  27. Too cute, now I wish I had a kid I could try all these hairdo's on!

    Visiting form SITS, hope you have a greaty Saturday!


  28. You are very talented! Great work
