Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Over the Ribbon Rainbow....

So If you haven't entered my fun Giveaway going on...Go check it out here!!! And if you have, I made a mistake and posted the wrong ending dates (sorry). I fixed them last night on the original post.

You'll need 4 different colors of Ribbon, some elastics and 2 bows!!!

I mentioned in one of my last posts how much it's been raining here. Well...thanks to the rain we have been lucky enough to see several brightly colored Rainbows over the last week at my house! Yeah! They have been beautiful. Well those rainbows and the fact that rainbows are one of her favorite things (does any little girl not like rainbows?) gave me this idea. It was just for fun, but she loved it!

First I started with an exaggerated part off to one side of her head. (after I wished the part would have been a little more exaggerated).

Then I parted out a large rectangle section (like in the picture)

I secured that piece on top of her head and pulled the rest of her hair into regular ol' piggy tails.

I used the hair that was secured on top and divided it into 4 sections and did a pull through knot in each one.

If you want to do this without one of these tools, stick your finger through the ponytail underneath the elastic and then flip the elastic through the hole you made with your finger and pull the ponytail through the hole? Does this make sense?

I did all the pull through's kind-of on an angle so the ponytails would be slanting toward the pig-tail on her left side.

Take a long piece of ribbon and slide it underneath the pull through.

Make sure the ribbon is even on both sides, then tie a knot in the ribbon.

For this step I just took the ribbon and wrapped it around the piece of hair.

Secure it to the pig-tail so the ribbon does not come unraveled. Do this with the remaining pieces of hair. We chose the 4 colors we did because they match the rainbow on the front of her shirt:)

After all four pieces were wrapped with ribbon I hooked them to the piggy tail with a clear elastic.

I cut some of the same ribbon and tied them around the other piggy tail so it would not be so plain. The big white bows are supposed to represent white puffy clouds! I curled under her piggy tails and also the ribbon pieces.

Left side view

Right side view

Top view

Front View

Whole body shot...because for some silly reason she wanted a picture with her scooter!!!

So a few of her favorite things...Rainbows. Check out our giveaway going on, and thanks for all the great comments so far. Some of them have really made me laugh!


  1. love it i think my girls will too

  2. This couldn't have come at a better time, we have a RAINBOW birthday party tomorrow-- how perfect is this idea! thanks so much!

  3. Came by from SITS and I LOVE this!

  4. how cute!! I love your layout too :) Thanks for the visit!!

  5. Love the bright colors!!! Adorable hair-do, you are just way too talented girl! Keep those creative juice flowing!!!!

  6. That has to be the cutest thing EVER. I love the hairstyles you come up with.

    My daughter just went crazy over this!

  7. I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! awwwwwww that is so sweet I would have done anything to have that hairstyle when I was younger - your right, what little girl DOESN'T love rainbows! I wanna wear it 2MORRO!

  8. Super cute! Your daughter's beautiful dark hair really make the ribbons Pop! Thanks for the great idea. I just added your blog to my favorites!
