Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Squid Bun

See how the hair thing (squid) is pulled up through the middle of the bun?

I call this hair-do the Squid bun because that's what my daughter calls those hair things. Ya know the ones with the ribbon hanging down all over the place. She likes it cause when it's like this it reminds her of a squid. Hence...the name. We also like to do it with a bun on each side like this. It is actually cuter with 2 but it's all the same. You get the idea.

First you need a squid (see picture above) a cute scrunchy and some bobby pins. Oh yeah, and Hairspray. Don't forget the hairspray.

Pull the hair into a ponytail. For those of you who don't care for a side ponytail ;) you can always place it on the back of the head.
Now put the hair thing (squid) around the ponytail.

Take and twist the hair and wrap it around itself at the base of her head pulling the squid up through the middle of the bun.
Secure bun with bobby pins. This is what it looks like from the back.

See how the hair thing (squid) is pulled up through the middle of the bun?

Then we just put the scrunchy around the base.

Look how excited she is for school!!! Too bad that doesn't last forever.

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