Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A braided doo for the zoo!

It looks like I did alot better this time, I was able to post more pictures at one time.

Yeah for me. Well this hairstyle is Kinda Hippie-ish to me. The dress and the whole look she had just had that sort of feel to it. It really was quite beautiful....not sure if the pictures do it any justice ya know? These were actually taken on Mother's Day, when we went to the zoo!

I started out with a small part from the middle down to the front of her ear. Then I braided it.

As you can see, I did three small braids on each side.

Then I took the two front braids on each side and connected them in the back with a small elastic.

I braided that piece down about an inch or so and then connected the next two braids and secured them with an elastic.

Then I reapeated the last step braiding down and connecting the last two braids.

Then using these twist in hair accessories I twisted these over the elastics to cover them up and add some bling.

This is what it should look like from the back.

And of course I have to throw in the front shot. Dang she's cute! She is growing up so fast!

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